Orchestra Concert

On Monday, we had a lot of doom to handle. We had an orchestra concert, that was hosted by our school. Me and the beast drove to the school, and I was sort of doomed. When we arrived, I didn't know to sign in, so I just walked to the orchestra room. There was a lot of people there, so it was hard to get around. I unpacked my cello and tuned it with my orchestra teacher. Then I went to the cafeteria, where the concert was being held. I got a rock-stop, which was a just a wooden board. I sat in my seat and practiced a bit before the concert started. I was playing 3 songs, 2 which were for the whole orchestra and 1 was for the people who are good. Then my orchestra teacher came up to the podium and gave a little speech about us. Then we started to play our first song. We did ok, but the people who did the solo's were bad. The 2nd song was really bad, but that's ok. Then she dismissed all the other students and said for all the good people to come up. We played our small song and we were done. At first I didn't know where to go after the concert, so I checked the orchestra room but no one was there. So I saw the 6th graders on the other stage waiting for the concert to be done, so I went up there. I listened to the 7th and 8th graders play. They were pretty good, but I think the 7th graders were better than the 8th graders. Most of what the 8th graders did was clap and snap, not actually play the instrument. Anyway, when they were finished, I packed up my cello and went pack home.


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