
           A few days ago, we moved from our small, shabby, home in the poor part of Stone Creek Ranch too a newly built house. It was quite a big move, and we dedicated a lot of work into the moving. We had to construct furniture, paint the walls, and move the belongings to the new house, even though I didn't do anything.
          Months before this, when summer first started, we started visiting our new house and bringing small belongings there. We also bought new furniture and constructed them, which was quite annoying. Slowly by slowly, we were making the house look like a house. Each day, we would build more progress until our house was almost complete. We scheduled to hire the movers, and completely move on August 3. When the moving day arrived, we had to disassemble every piece of furniture we had in our old house. A friend from our church came to help us disassemble the furniture, and package them. When the movers arrived, they started loading everything into the big truck. They were really strong, like they could 2-man a hefty sofa. It took a lot of time, but after a few years we could finally drive to the new home. We arrived and started unloading the things we already had in our car, the small things. The moving truck arrived, and started loading the big furniture into the new house, and placing stuff where they should belong. I was getting fairly hungry when another friend from church came and brought us 肉馒头, which was really yummy. After some more years, the moving was completed and we paid the movers. We started to play some games to celebrate, but the Beast was SO MEAN. So he ordered us to build the bed, which took us even more years. It was pretty hard and boring, but in the end we did it. 再见


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