Varus Guide

Varus Guide

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Varus is a long ranged champ that has a lot of poke and harass, and he is very strong in laning phase. He does magic and physical damage, which is a great counter when dueling the other marksman. He also has some viable cc with his ult, and his E. Lets go in to the Varus Guide.

Runes & Itemizing

For Runes, I will just name them and list the reason

Fleeting Footwork-Extra MS and AD
Overheal- SHIELD
Legend: Alacrity- Extra AS
Coup de Grace- KS

Celerity-MS and AD
Gathering Storm- AD

Items- TAKE RECOMMENDED (I'm lazy)

Summoner Spells

Flash- Chasing or Escape or Engaging, must have.
Heal- Good for healing you and your allies, and extra MS


Passive- Living Vengeance- Gains attack speed for a few seconds whenever you kill a minion, monster, or champion. Gives increased AS whenever you kill a champion.

Q- Piercing Arrow- First Cast: Starts charging arrow, giving extra range and damage.
Second Cast: Shoots arrow...

W- Blighted Quiver- Auto- attacks gives blight stacks to that champ or minion, with max at 3. His E or Q detonate blight stacks, dealing damage.

E- Hail of Arrow- fires a hail of arrows in a circle applying slow and grievous wounds. It leaves a circle where it was casted, giving a slow if they stand in the circle.

R- Chain of Corruption- Fires a chain that roots the first person hit, applying 3 blight stacks gradually. If there is a nearby enemy where the person was struck, he will also get rooted and stacked, if he doesn't get out quick enough.

Skill Order

Level 1-Q
Level 2-E
Level 3-W
Level 4-Q
Level 5-Q
Level 6-R
Level 7-Q
Level 8 -E
Level 9-Q
Level 10-E
Level 11-R
Level 12-E
Level 13-E
Level 14- W
Level 15-W
Level 16-R
Level 17-W
Level 18-W

Bans and Support Synergies

MF- Will abuse you in early and mid game, so you have to play passively
Jinx- Better at dueling, worse at team-fighting.
Xayah- Can burst you, since you are immobile. Also, she can dodge your ult with her ult.

Support Synergies-
Braum- Can easily proc stun, because of your AS. A lot of peel. 
Nami- Poke and Peel, pretty annoying duo.
Taric- Can chain cc with Varus, and has heal and invulnerability. 

Laning Phase and Teamfighting

Laning Phase- Farm and Poke with your Q and E. Try to keep your passive alive, which is sort of a fun thing to do. When you want to go for an all-in, use your ult to initiate. Positioning is also important, because you are immobile. 

Teamfighting- Try to use your ult, since it does spread slowly. Try to get blight stacks with your auto-attacks and your ult. Pick of the enemies that are easy to hit, and that are positioned badly.


Varus is a safe, viable pick if you want a lot of damage and attack speed. He is one of the marksman that has sustainable cc, and can peel for himself. If you are going to learn and pick up Varus, read this guide 😑. (Cringe)


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