UNCG Summer Music Camp

        Last week, me and my brother stayed overnight for 1 week in UNCG, and here is my experience. The first night on Sunday I was depressed, because we had to get introduced to everything.
       After our dumb parents left, we ate dinner which was an all-you-can-eat-buffet. It was pretty tasty for cafeteria food, but it got really repetitive. After I was really stuffed, we were on our way to the Music Building to receive instructions for the week. We took a while, but eventually found Room 217 for our orientation. All the counselors and teachers introduced themselves, and told us a lot of rules and directions. Then Mr. Johnson, taught us some choral music, even though we didn't know how to sing and we did not even sign up for it. Later, we had to go audition to place us in groups based on our level. I messed up on my sight reading, but I think I did not do too bad.
        Since it will obviously take too long to explain the whole week, I will just go through my daily schedule. First we wake up at 7:00, which we set an alarm to. Usually when the alarm beeps, Terence just goes to sleep back again because he is so lazy. We change our clothes, and brush our teeth to get ourselves ready for breakfast. Breakfast is pretty good, but always has the same things everyday which gets kind of repetitive. I usually get eggs, potatoes, and sausages, which is pretty tasty and filling. Then at 8:40, we have to go to our teacher and group, which is Ms. Blanchard. We usually learn some music history and theory, which is pretty fun. Then we have Piano 2, where our group switches to another teacher that teaches a different thing. Our 2nd teacher taught us theory and technique, which was interesting and challenging at the same time. After the class we had lunch, which I always took pasta with Alfredo sauce, fries, pizza, and garlic bread. It was pretty tasty, and I usually had a cup of ice tea to go with it. Right after lunch we have chorus rehearsal, to practice our singing, which is stupid. There are 5 different groups in chorus, Bass, Tenor, Soprano 3, Soprano 2, Soprano 1(Order from lowest to highest). I was in soprano 2, because soprano 1 and 3 were mostly girls, and bass and tenors were mostly high-schoolers. We sang 6 songs, which was very stupid. After chorus rehearsal, we have ensemble. Ensemble is where you play with other people also playing piano at the same time, like a duet for example. I was in a quartet and a sixlet, where there are 4 people playing the piano and 6 people playing the piano. It was pretty interesting, playing with other people at the same time. Then at 3:00, we had free time which I usually just read a book through. During that free time you also could eat dinner, so I took the same thing that I took for lunch most of the time. Right at 6:00, you have to have your 2nd chorus rehearsal which again is very stupid. After your stupid chorus rehearsal, there is a special event from 7:15 - 9:15, like a movie, recital, or party. When the event is finally over you have to walk back to your dorm, which is very very far away. It takes like 15 minutes to walk to our dorm. Every night there is also a floor meeting at 10:15, which is basically just attendance and rules to go over. Then I shower and change into my pajamas, and go to sleep for the next day. BYE BYE.


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