Choose Your Adventure: Dreams

Instructions: Read your situation and choose your path, and go to the page according to the path. Have fun!

1: You are in your bed about to sleep. As you are sleeping, you need to go to the bathroom. Do you go to the bathroom?
If yes, go to 2
If no, go to 3

2: As you are pissing to your bathroom, suddenly you fall in the potty and die. Try again

3: You stay in your bed, and fall asleep. Suddenly you are in an office. A boss walks up to you and says, "Hey Joe, do you want some coffee?".  How do you respond?

Sure! Go to page 4
Nah... Go to page 5

4: He walks you to the coffee machine and serves you some coffee. But when you hold it, it is so hot that you drop it on the boss. He gets super mad, and he fires you on the spot. Suddenly your vision spins around and you are in a spaceship. The captain of the ship comes up to you and says, "Joe, its your turn to go out.". How do you respond?

Out where? Space? Go to page 6
Ok. Go to page 7

5: "Ok." he says. Suddenly a unicorn comes out and grants you a wish. What would it be?

More wishes... Go to page 8
To wake up. Go to page 9

6: "No of course not! Just go out to eat lunch. What were you thinking?" says the captain. "Oh...." you reply. As you walk there a humongous living hot dog comes out of the middle of nowhere and kills you with a laser beam. Try again

7: He puts a space suit on you, that is super fat. You go outside, but you forgot your helmet. You died. Try again

8: The unicorn is angry and charges at you, the horn stabs you in the butt. You wake up. The End. This is one of the 5 endings, discover the other ones!

9: "What do you mean?" it neighs. "Its not like its a dream..." Suddenly your vision spins around and you are in a soldier. A sergeant comes up to you and says "Get to work boy, stop standing here." You walk to a place with two doors. One says "Gun training." the other says "Parkour". Which one do you go to?

If "Gun training" go to page 10
If "Parkour" go to page 11

10: A person accidentally kills you. Try again.

11: You enter the Parkour place and you go toward the monkey bars. As you are about to start a person comes up to you and bets that if you could climb the monkey bars the whole way, he would give you a dollar. Do you accept?

Yes, go to page 12
No, go to page 13

12: As you start the monkey bars you visualize a dollar at the end of the course. You climb and climb, but you fall on the last step. He laughs and asks for the dollar. When you say you have nothing, he clonks you on the head, and you wake up. The End. This is one of the 5 endings, discover the other ones!

13: He calls you a puny. And says, "Wanna fight, bro?". Do you accept or decline?

Yes, go to 14
No, go to 15

14: He kicks you in the chin, but now you can kick him somewhere. Where do you kick him?

Chin. Go to page 16
Pelvis. Go to page 17

15: He calls you a pussy and every laughs at you. You punch him in the face and you wake up. The End. This is one of the 5 endings, discover the others!

16: He grabs a gun and shoots you. Not fair right? Well, you still died. Try again.

17: He screams and drops to the floor. Someone throws you a gun, and you shoot him. Every cheers for you, but his best friend comes over slaps you. Where do you slap him?

Pelvis...? (Inappropriate), go to page 18
Face, go to page 19


19: He grabs a dumbbell and clonks you. You wake up. The End. This is one of the 5 endings, discover the others!


This is all the endings

Knife Ending
Unicorn Ending
Clonk Ending
Punch Ending
Dumbbell Ending


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