Prayer Meeting and School Shooting


Today we had a prayer meeting in the morning. When we came there, I ate a mini glazed doughnut. When it started we sang a few songs, with a teacher playing the guitar. Then the teacher, Ms. Jackson, talked about how a bible verse that said how complaining and pride are very similar sins. I think she compared two bible verses and talked about how they were similar. After that, I ate more doughnuts and help set up the chairs.

Since I could not think of anything else, I will talk about something else. Beast told me that in the Parkland, Florida high school shooting, there was this 15 year old boy who held the door for people to escape. I thought this was very brave, since he knew he was going to die, but also save many peoples. If he weren't there there would be 16 more deaths, so he really saved multiple people.


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