School Movie


Yesterday, I watched a movie that was hosted by the school. About half of the people that were in social studies came, around 75 people. I came with my gangsters, and we all met at Rishabh's house. Henry's mom picked us up and drove us to Regal, not as good as Carolina Cinema's, but definitely better than some cinemas. When we got there, there not much people since it is reserved by the school. We found our seats, and left to get condiments. I got a small soda, and a pretzel hot dog nuggets, since it was cheaper than a small popcorn(and looked better). We had to wait a long time for the pretzel hot dogs, and the movie almost started without us. We ran back and just got back in time. The movie was basically about these caveman, who encounter a whole civilization that uses bronze, instead of stone. This civilization takes over their valley, and uses it as a bronze mine. The caveman want the valley back, so they challenge the city to a game of soccer. If they win, they get their valley back, if they lose, they have to work in the mine for the rest of their lives. They train, and even though they have less experience than the city's soccer team, they have better teamwork, so they win in the end. This taught me that teamwork is more important than skill alone. Also, some historical facts were taught, like the difference of the civilization and the tribe. Anyway, after the movie we took a whole school picture, and left the cinema.


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